Sleep paralysis and hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations can be confusing and scary. In this broadcast, we talked about these experiences and how to cope with them.
Narcolepsy Nerd Alert: Sleep Paralysis + Hallucinations
Sleep Paralysis + Hallucinations Podcast
Sleep Paralysis + Hallucinations Toolkit
Narcolepsy Nerd Alert toolkits accompany each broadcast. The toolkits are designed for people living with narcolepsy and their loved ones to offer new tools, tips, and perspectives on navigating narcolepsy.
Sleep Paralysis + Hallucinations Video
Meet Our Guests
Chelsea Cataldi is a world traveler who enjoys creating things with her hands. She was diagnosed with type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy in 2010 while living in Japan. As a speaker with Project Sleep’s Rising Voices program, Chelsea raises awareness to combat misperceptions about narcolepsy and let others know they’re not alone.
Kristyn Beecher is a storyteller and news producer from Houston, Texas. She was diagnosed with type 2 narcolepsy without cataplexy at age 24, but lived with symptoms for many years before that. A graduate of Hampton University and Rising Voices speaker, Kristyn works daily to make sure underrepresented voices are heard and their stories shared.
Connor Baker is a CDU nurse working at Rush Copley Medical Center in Aurora, Illinois. He was diagnosed with type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy at 20 years old. Connor shares his story as a Rising Voices speaker to spread awareness and end stigmas surrounding narcolepsy.
Project Sleep’s live broadcast series Narcolepsy Nerd Alert takes a deeper dive into specific topics related to narcolepsy. Hosted by award-winning geek Julie Flygare, each live event invites fellow #NarcolepsyNerds to explore unique aspects of the narcolepsy experience, contemplate bold questions, and learn from each other.
Tune in to Narcolepsy Nerd Alert live events on Project Sleep’s Facebook page. Catch up on past broadcasts, listen to podcast episodes, download accompanying toolkits, and see the schedule of upcoming topics on our Narcolepsy Nerd Alert page.
This broadcast originally aired on December 7, 2022.

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I have tested this many times. My Sleep Paralysis is caused by my highly visual mind being involved in a realistic dream of being awake. As long as my body is in REM sleep, it is paralyzed and cannot move. Thus the feeling of being paralyzed. When I am in this state, I focus all my mental efforts on moving a finger or a hand, and when it finally moves, there is a jerk, and I am awake.
My Hallucinations happened when my mind is exhausted, and I force it to remain awake.