
2024 Narcolepsy Scholarship Recipients Report from College

This summer, Project Sleep and generous donors awarded the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship to 37 college-bound students living with narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia. With the fall semester in full swing, we caught up with the recipients to find out how the college experience has been so far. Read their updates below to see how much your support means to these amazing students!

“Tenacity and resolution throughout my journey”

“I enjoy my General Chemistry class, where we cover concepts such as quantitative mass relationships, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. Using my critical thinking skills to solve problems is so exciting!

I still experience some difficulties, but I am managing my narcolepsy at college to the best of my ability. My mom is my biggest supporter and every day I call her to discuss and find solutions to any struggles I have.

I am beyond honored and so grateful not only to receive the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, but to become part of a wonderful community of people just like me. This award helped me realize that my tenacity and resolution throughout my journey with narcolepsy are something to really, really be proud of.”

— India, studying Biological Sciences at University of California, Irvine
Scholarship recipient India, standing on a green field wearing a gray hoodie with “UC IRVINE ANTEATERS” written in black and yellow, with fingers posed to resemble anteaters.

“Grateful for this community”

Scholarship recipient Abigail, dressed in a gray blouse and blue jeans, standing beside a Blue Horseshoe statue, a symbol of Middle Tennessee State University.

“My favorite class is Textiles. I really enjoy learning about the manufacturing and distribution of fibers and fabrics.

Managing my narcolepsy at college is easier than I thought it would be. My school has a Disability and Access Center, which makes it easier for me to advocate for myself through priority scheduling and accommodations.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship means the world to me. It is wonderful to know there are people advocating for those with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. I am so grateful for this community.”

— Abigail, studying Textiles Merchandising and Design and Theatre at Middle Tennessee State University

“Gives me more opportunities”

“My favorite class is Business Law. My professor is very funny and engaging and I’m able to stay awake because of that.

It isn’t easy to manage my narcolepsy while living on my own at college, but my roommates keep me in check while also respecting my quiet time. I am working with the disability center at my school to get the accommodations I need.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship showed me that there are other people in the same situation as me and I’m not alone. This award makes me feel seen and gives me more opportunities. I’m so grateful for this scholarship.”

— Griffin, studying Business Administration at SUNY Albany
Scholarship recipient Griffin, wearing a gray hoodie and blue jeans and holding a blue and gold University of Albany sign, standing in front of a water feature on campus.

“A new sense of hope”

Scholarship recipient Celine, wearing a white t-shirt which reads “INDIANA” with the trident school logo in red, standing on a brick walkway between two large stone monuments, with trees and garden beds lining the walkway in the background.

“My favorite class in college was the Arts of War Intensive First-Year seminar, which I took two weeks before school officially started. Through this program, I learned incredible wartime strategies and international relations, curated enlightening presentations, and most importantly, met lifelong friends.

Although the initial adjustment to navigating college with narcolepsy was rough, one of the benefits of college is finding a schedule that works for me. I am active in the Figure Skating Club and Japanese and Chinese Language workshops, and I often go out to eat amazing food with my friends!

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship was such an honor because it gave me a new sense of hope about narcolepsy. I am now more open about my struggles with this disorder and hope to continue to raise awareness about the struggles of sleep disorders at my university.”

— Celine, studying International Relations and Political Science at Indiana University Bloomington

“Able to follow my dream career path”

“My favorite class is Introduction to the Music Industry. I love learning about the industry and all its inner workings that most music lovers don’t see!

Managing my narcolepsy is easier at college than it was in high school because I have a more flexible schedule. The hours-long breaks between classes allow me to nap and feel more alert and prepared for the next class.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship allows me to attend university knowing I have a support system behind me. I am eternally grateful to receive the support I need to follow my dream career path.”

— Gwen, studying Music Industry & Communication Studies at Northeastern University
Scholarship recipient Gwen, wearing a black crewneck with “NORTHEASTERN” written in red, leaning against a tree, with orange chrysanthemums and a concrete sign which reads “NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY” in the background.

“Live out my college dream”

Scholarship recipient Eli wearing a blue t-shirt and gray shorts, standing in front of a concrete and brick building sign which reads “HEIDER COLLEGE OF BUSINESS”.

“My favorite class is Contemporary Composition. In this class we write papers on topics we are passionate about, while also learning how to write a good college essay.

Managing my narcolepsy in college is a tremendous challenge. I have multiple day stretches where I am constantly tired and can barely leave my room. But besides that, I am able to manage it quite well.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship was a huge honor and it means so much to me. This award has allowed me to live out my college dream and grow exponentially as a person.”

— Eli, studying Accounting at Creighton University

“Opened my eyes to people just like me”

“My Asian People and Cultures class teaches me the importance of Asian Americans in the development of America. I’m gaining a variety of new perspectives because of this class, and I look forward to these sessions the most.

Thanks to support from my school, professors, and friends, managing my narcolepsy at college is easier than I thought it would be.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship gave me the push I needed to attend college and opened my eyes to a community full of people just like me.”

— Jordan, studying Asia Studies at City College of New York
Scholarship recipient Jordan, wearing sweatpants and a dark gray t-shirt which reads “CCNY” standing in front of an apartment building with windows and a sign which reads “The Towers at CCNY”.

“There are people who understand me”

Scholarship winner Madison standing in front of a rosebush with bright red roses, dressed in a red “Georgia Bulldogs” t-shirt and gray skirt, and a blue rubber wristband which reads “NARCOLEPSY NOT ALONE”.

“I really like the lab component of my Intro to Animal Science class. I get hands-on experience learning about the animals and I get to see all my school’s animal facilities.

So far, managing my narcolepsy at college has been an easy transition for me. I requested all the classroom accommodations I qualify for, but so far I don’t need to use them. My college was also great about helping me get a private room and bathroom in my dorm.

I received several local scholarships, but receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship meant the most to me. I still have never met anyone else who has narcolepsy so when I was awarded the scholarship, it really made me feel like there are people who understand me.”

— Madison, studying Animal Science at University of Georgia

“Allowed me to focus on my education”

“Intro to Metallurgical Engineering is so fascinating. From bronzing to glass blowing, in a few short weeks, I’ve seen more than I could ask for.

It’s a struggle not having all my family support at college. My doctor wants to try a different medication to manage my narcolepsy symptoms, but I’m determined to make this work.

The Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship allowed me to focus on my education instead of having to work while in school. This first term is so important to get my meds and routine in place, so not having to work is a blessing.”

— Leo, studying Metallurgical Engineering at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Scholarship recipient Leo, wearing a blue and black hat, gray t-shirt which reads “I don’t do mornings”, and safety goggles over eyeglasses, holding glass blowing equipment while seated on a metal bench in a workshop.

“A deep breath of relief”

Scholarship recipient Ashya, wearing a white skirt and purple shirt with “East Carolina” written in yellow, standing on the bleachers at a football game.

“I enjoy all of my classes as a Business Marketing major! My professors are really great, and far more accommodating than I expected. I scored 90 and above on two of my exams, so it’s safe to say we’re crushing this narcolepsy thing.

I have some days of dozing off and struggling to stay awake while in class, so every day isn’t the same. There are such valuable lessons and opportunities for character development in the struggles of navigating college life with narcolepsy.

Opening the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship package was like a deep breath of relief, and seeing all the brochures and books made me feel extremely supported as I began my college journey. I am forever grateful to all the sponsors and contributors to this scholarship, and I am looking forward to the rest of my college experience knowing I have the support of this great community behind me.”

— Ashya, studying Business Marketing at East Carolina University

“Jumpstart my journey”

“My favorite class is Tools: From Steam Engines to AI. I am learning many skills I can apply in my field of engineering and in the real world.

Managing my narcolepsy in college is different than it was in high school, but doable. The people at my school are very supportive and understanding. I got the accommodations I need, including spacing out my schedule so I have time to nap between classes.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship is such an exciting opportunity for me, helping me pay for my college education and jumpstart my journey into engineering. It shows me how others live with narcolepsy, which is a huge inspiration to me.”

— Nicole, studying Civil Engineering at Gonzaga University
Scholarship recipient Nicole, dressed in a gray sweatshirt with the Gonzaga University logo, posing with arms crossed beside a large, metal statue of a bulldog in front of a brick building with a wall of windows.

“Recognition for the years of hard work”

Scholarship recipient Tucker, wearing a purple t-shirt with “High Point University The premier life skills university” printed in white, standing in front of a brick and stone wall and pointing to a sign which reads “We love High Point University”.

“My favorite class by far is Intro to Engineering because of all the hands-on activities involved. We already made a marble maze and now, we are creating custom robots to race in class.

Some days are much easier than others, but for the most part I’m managing my narcolepsy pretty well at college. Most of my difficulties are solved by taking occasional naps in the afternoons and resting extra on the weekends to make up for my busy schedule.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy scholarship was a very big deal to me. Not only was it helpful, but it was also a much needed form of recognition for the years of hard work which, for a long time, no one outside of my family truly understood.”

— Tucker, studying Mechanical Engineering at High Point University

“Blessed that people acknowledge my struggles”

“My favorite class is Freshman Business Initiative, because I am learning about the various majors within my university’s business school and career opportunities, and get to connect with other business school freshmen.

While managing my idiopathic hypersomnia in college is a challenge, my school has a disability resources center that offers academic accommodations. My family has also been a rock through my transition into the fall semester.

I am incredibly grateful to receive the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship. I am blessed that people acknowledge my struggles with IH.”

— Lucas, studying Business at Texas A&M University
Scholarship recipient Lucas, wearing a white t-shirt, gray shorts, and a red baseball cap with the “ATM” logo in white, holding a sign which reads “First day of class Fall 2024”, standing on a stone walkway in front of a large building with Roman columns and a dome.

“Supporting me in my journey”

Scholarship recipient Emma, wearing a black crewneck with the Bridgewater State logo, sitting in front of a statue of a bear; the university’s mascot.

“I absolutely love my Migrant Youth and Children seminar. As a member of the BSU Honors Program, I am able to take this class to learn more about contemporary issues in our government and how they affect migrants all over the world.

I was so relieved and appreciative of how my school’s Student Accessibility Services gave me accommodations for my narcolepsy. Not only were they flexible in granting me accommodations, but they asked me personally for my story to see how I could succeed best at BSU with their assistance. They were all so sweet and I didn’t feel embarrassed at all in expressing my concerns. On top of that, my professors, peers, and friends are all very accepting of my condition and I am so happy to be part of this community.

I am so grateful for the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship. It means a lot to know there is a whole community of people supporting me in my journey to college. It makes my experience much less stressful knowing that some of the burden of paying tuition is covered by this scholarship.”

— Emma, studying at Bridgewater State University

“Boost of support and courage”

“My favorite class is Cultural Anthropology, which focuses on cultures around the world, especially non-Western cultures. I enjoy the smaller class size and the engaged conversation, which helps keep me more alert during class as I continue to adjust to college life with narcolepsy.

Managing my narcolepsy, as well as my epilepsy, while living in a dorm is challenging, but I met with student services to acquire accommodations and with my professors to apprise them of my diagnoses and accommodations. My roommate and friends are incredibly supportive, which is very important to my success as well.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship was a tremendous aid in pursuing my dreams for higher education. College can be scary and challenging, and narcolepsy can make it even more intimidating. This scholarship gave me the boost of support and courage that made me realize I CAN do this. Thank you for honoring me with your support.”

— Rylan, studying Forensic Science at George Mason University
Scholarship recipient Rylan, wearing a dark green crew neck sweater with George Mason University printed in yellow, seated in front of a classroom whiteboard.

“There are other people like me”

Scholarship recipient Jaislyn, wearing a white jumpsuit and blue foam finger which reads “Bleu Devils”, standing on a paved pathway with trees and grass on either side.

“My favorite class is First Year Seminar because my teacher is very understanding and she always gives great advice.

Managing college with narcolepsy has been good. I really just had to work on my time management skills and make sure I got my accommodations.

When I received the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, it really made me feel like there are other people like me, because there aren’t many scholarships out there for students living with narcolepsy.”

— Jaislyn, studying Psychology at Dillard University

“A huge blessing”

“Surprisingly, Speech has been my favorite class so far. I enjoy the creative aspect of it.

It is hard managing my narcolepsy at college, especially keeping up with the increased workload without utterly exhausting myself. The accommodations are great, but they can only help so much.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship was a huge blessing because it ended up being the financial help I needed to bridge a gap to go to college. It also made me feel less alone when I saw there were others in the same situation as me.”

— Landon, studying at Clemson University
Scholarship recipient Landon, wearing an orange hoodie with a white paw print and Nike logo and a purple baseball cap with the state flag of South Carolina, holding a mahogany-colored valise with “CLEMSON” printed faintly across the front in orange.

“Super empowering”

Scholarship recipient Lea, wearing a green t-shirt with “State” written in white, standing on a white metal platform over a body of water with trees and grass lining the shore in the background.

“College is pretty fun! I enjoy my classes and love my new friends.

Navigating college with narcolepsy is a huge adjustment and I have been sleeping excessively. As soon as I get into a routine, I know I will be perfectly fine as my friends are super supportive.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship was super empowering for me. It validated my experiences, making me feel more seen and understood in a world that often overlooks the challenges of narcolepsy.”

— Lea, studying Psychology at Michigan State University

“Provided me with such bliss”

“My favorite class is Mathematics for Engineering, primarily because my professor is super funny and accommodating. He makes rigorous material easy to understand, which shows what a good professor he is.

Managing my narcolepsy at college is quite difficult. I am currently three hours away from home and my roommates were not the most accepting at first. However, after having some conversations with them, they now understand my situation and are truly a huge rock for me.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship provided me with such bliss. College is expensive, and being able to take some of the burden off of my family is something I am so grateful for.”

— Lulu, studying Chemistry at Texas A&M University
Scholarship recipient Lulu, dressed in a red shirt and blue shorts, posing beside a large art installation of a gray, black, and white cheetah.

“Boosted my confidence”

Scholarship recipient Raegan, dressed in a gray hoodie which reads “ALFRED STATE COLLEGE” in yellow and white, sitting on a black, metal bench on a field, with a building in and trees in the background.

“My favorite class is definitely Design Studio. I’m really enjoying the creative process and analysis we have to do to make sure our projects fit the requirements.

My experience with narcolepsy in college is pretty positive! I’m lucky to have supportive professors and the ability to use accommodations when needed. I just need to make sure I allow plenty of time for sleep.

When I was notified that I received the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, I was thrilled. The scholarship boosted my confidence in my abilities to achieve amazing things in spite of my disability.”

— Raegan, studying Architecture at Alfred State College

“Introduced me to a community”

“My favorite class is a discussion-based course that focuses on Native American literature and the perspectives it introduces.

The only issue I have with managing my narcolepsy at college is finding doctors to prescribe my medication away from home. My teachers and friends are all very supportive when it comes to my struggles with narcolepsy.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship made me feel recognized. While I only recently became aware of my diagnosis, this scholarship introduced me to a community of people with issues similar to my own.”

— Vivianne, studying Anthropology and English at Beloit College
Scholarship recipient Vivianne, posing with thumbs up, in a navy blue t-shirt which reads “Beloit College since 1846” with circular, wooden, wall-hangings in the background.

“Meant a lot to me”

Scholarship recipient Aidan, wearing a dark gray Wisconsin Badgers hoodie.

“My favorite class is Piano Studio. I am fortunate enough to be able to continue my piano studies while I major in Music Composition.

So far, I am managing my narcolepsy well at college. Ever since I was diagnosed and given accommodations by my university, I have been able to succeed in my classes.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship meant a lot to me. I have trouble working and this scholarship helped make it possible for me to attend U.W. Madison.”

— Aidan, studying Music Composition at University of Wisconsin-Madison

“Incredibly supported in my journey”

“My favorite class is definitely Intro to Geology! It’s a small class filled with geology and geophysics students so we’ve all become friends pretty easily.

I have bad days with my idiopathic hypersomnia symptoms at college, but support from my friends, family, and the university’s disability services has made my IH much more manageable.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship made me feel incredibly supported in navigating my life with IH and alleviated a lot of the financial stress of my first college semester.”

— Reese, studying Geology at Texas A&M University
Scholarship recipient Reese, wearing a maroon t-shirt which reads “Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2028”, posing with a thumbs-up in front of a college dorm kitchen.

“I can excel”

Scholarship recipient Will, wearing a purple t-shirt which reads “Northwestern” in white, standing on a field with a crowd of other students in purple t-shirts and an ivy-covered building in the background.

“I love my Electrical Engineering class. While simple, I get to learn the basics of intricate circuits while preparing for a future career in computer hardware engineering.

At first, I was worried that narcolepsy would prevent me from going out with my new friends and keeping up with my schoolwork. That could not be further from the truth; everyone around me, friends and faculty alike, are immensely supportive, and both my grades and social life are thriving.

The Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship showed me that despite the struggles I face, I can excel beyond any of my preconceived limits and reach greatness. I am incredibly grateful to receive the honor of this scholarship.”

— Will, studying Computer Engineering at Northwestern University

“A great honor”

“One of my favorite classes is English. I meet a lot of new people, have great discussions, and express myself through my work.

Going to college with idiopathic hypersomnia is definitely no easy task, but I am able to (mostly) wake up with my three alarms, meet great people and have energy to spend time with them, and enjoy my college experience. I still have bad days, but the support at college and in groups is amazing!

Being a recipient of the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship is a great honor. It helped me focus more on my studies instead of finding ways to balance work, school, and down time.”

— Trinity, studying Animal Behavior and Business Administration at Carroll University
Scholarship recipient Trinity, wearing an orange “Carroll Pioneers” t-shirt, sitting on the edge of a landscaping feature with pink and red flowers and large, orange free-standing letters “C.U.”.

“Somebody recognized my hard work”

Scholarship recipient Deion, wearing a maroon shirt with “Cat camp” written in yellow, standing on steps leading down to a pathway with trees on either side and the sun setting in the background.

“Communications is my favorite class. My instructor is funny and the class is easy.

To manage my narcolepsy at college, I put all my classes close together so my day doesn’t end with class. That way I can make sure I get proper rest.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship meant that somebody recognized my hard work and rewarded me for it. It was the only scholarship I got out of all the ones I applied for, so I will always be thankful.”

— Deion, studying Computer Science at Texas State University San Marcos

“College will be a little bit easier”

“My favorite class is called Acting the Song. I have the chance to work on really fun and challenging material while growing my voice and acting capabilities!

Being in such a course-heavy major, it is a bit of a challenge navigating time for rest and recharging. I’ve developed a system and spoken with my professors about it all, and I’m managing my narcolepsy pretty well at college for the most part.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship was so meaningful to me. It made me feel like college will be a little bit easier, and it is encouraging to know there are people supporting me and others like me.”

— Brie, studying Musical Theatre at The Catholic University of America
Scholarship recipient Brie, wearing a white and green t-shirt, seated by a flower bed in front of a brick-facade building with a sign that reads “The Catholic University of America, Welcome to Campus”.

“Huge sense of accomplishment”

Scholarship recipient Chloe, wearing a blue t-shirt with “HAMPTON PIRATES” and the university logo in white.

“My favorite class is Health Education. My professor makes class super engaging, informative, and overall enjoyable.

Managing my narcolepsy at college is a slight challenge, but nothing I wasn’t expecting. Going to my professors’ office hours and getting to know them gave me the opportunity to explain my condition and some of the challenges I might face in their classes. This helped me better advocate for myself when I needed accommodations and helped my professors be more open and understanding.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship gave me a huge sense of accomplishment and made me feel like my struggle through high school was worth it.”

— Chloe, studying Political Science, Pre-Law at Hampton University

“I am not alone”

“My favorite class is Western Civilization. My professor is very nice and understanding. We had an assignment to talk to her about our learning style and problems we may have, and when I let her know that my idiopathic hypersomnia may affect me in class, she immediately said she will work with me.

I have no problem staying awake once I take my medication, but waking up in the first place is hard. I have come very close to being late for class because I struggle to get up, but I am improving over time. Overcoming this obstacle is not easy but I will not give up.

I feel very proud about getting the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship and I am very grateful. Before receiving the scholarship I wanted to avoid sharing my disorder, but now I feel that I am not alone. Other people are going through the same struggles and I should not be ashamed.”

— Gavin, studying Film at Jacksonville State University
Scholarship recipient Gavin, wearing a dark gray t-shirt which reads “Jacksonville State” in red, standing in a courtyard with metal tables and benches.

“Thankful for the peace of mind”

Scholarship recipient Amelia, posing with a sign which reads “S.U.U.” in large, red letters, at Southern Utah University.

“I love Music Theory! Most of the class focuses on learning patterns in music, and how choices made during composition create the ‘feeling’ of a piece.

Adding lots of things onto my plate and moving away from parental support and guidance has been a big challenge. What’s most helpful for managing my idiopathic hypersomnia at college is reaching out to friends I can count on and my school’s disability center. Now that I know what resources are available, I am better able to manage each day and plan for the future.

I am very thankful for the peace of mind the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship brings me: school is less stressful, I can focus more time on my physical and mental health, and I find more joy in day-to-day activities.”

— Amelia, studying Music Education at Southern Utah University

“Very grateful”

“I am enjoying the rigor and thinking techniques of a Physics class I am enrolled in.

I have difficulty with falling asleep during lectures or tests. The university is good with providing the accommodations I need for managing my narcolepsy at college, particularly using AI note taking and lecture recordings, which I wish I had used in high school.

I am very grateful that I received the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship. It helped me pay for housing costs.”

— Isaac, studying Plant Science at Utah State University
Scholarship recipient Isaac, wearing a white t-shirt with “UTAH STATE aggies” printed in gray.

“Share my victories and triumphs”

Scholarship recipient Rivkah, wearing a dark gray tank top with the Northeastern Huskies logo, holding a stuffed toy husky in one hand.

“My favorite class is Experiencing Urban Infrastructure. Every Friday, we take field trips to explore different aspects of Boston’s infrastructure, giving me a deeper understanding of the inner workings of my new home.

I’m still learning how to manage my narcolepsy in college, and balancing academics, social life, and naps isn’t easy. Growth isn’t always linear, and while I want to experience everything college has to offer, I also need to remember to rest and recharge.

I was proud to receive the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship and it’s comforting to know that I’m not alone in my struggles. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my victories and triumphs with a broader community.”

— Rivkah, studying International Affairs at Northeastern University

“All my work was finally worth it!”

“Music is my favorite class. I love singing and it’s a nice way to decompress from school and health stresses.

It is incredibly difficult and sometimes feels impossible to manage my narcolepsy at college. The accommodation process taking months, my medication being ineffective, and changing neurologists have made managing my narcolepsy so much harder.

My family and I have had a rough time covering all my medical bills and college loans. I applied for a lot of scholarships without any success, so receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship felt like all my work was finally worth it!”

— Jaina, studying Genetics at Indiana University-Bloomington
Scholarship recipient Jaina, wearing white shorts and a pink t-shirt with “Hoosiers Indiana University” printed in a red heart, standing in front of a large trident sign outdoors; the logo for the University.

“Validated my hard work”

Scholarship recipient Maya, dressed in a bright blue t-shirt with the University of Kentucky logo in white, posing beside a black, metal statue of a wildcat on a light-colored wooden platform.

“My favorite class is an introductory class where we explore the nuances of education and knowledge by reading about different ways of thinking and viewing our world. We are encouraged to share our ideas, opinions, and thoughts about how the readings relate to our lives and how we can use the information in our education journey.

Thanks to the accommodations I have for managing my narcolepsy at college, I was able to schedule my classes around my prescribed nap time. My roommate is very respectful when I need to take a short nap. In the beginning, I struggled occasionally to fit in time for rest with homework and activities, but I am grateful that everyone at my school is so accommodating.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship validated my hard work, and it reminded me that I am not alone in my narcolepsy journey. It inspires me to know that not only are there other people with narcolepsy out there, but they and their supporters are successful enough to create an organization that supports so many people.”

— Maya, studying at University of Kentucky

“Growth through my struggles”

“My favorite class in college is 20th Century Philosophy. We read a lot and the discussions are really entertaining.

Managing my narcolepsy at college is iffy, but when my mood is up, I have no problem waking up in the mornings.

It made me feel recognized to get the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, as if I’m seeing the growth through my struggles finally pay off.”

— Lance, studying Philosophy at University of Houston
Scholarship recipient Lance, wearing a gray t-shirt with “HOUSTON COUGARS” printed in red and white, with a campus building, garden bed, and stone monument in the background.

“Perform at my full potential”

Scholarship recipient Soleil, dressed in black, holding a green sign which reads “First day of classes”, standing on a field with an eagle statue and tower in the background.

“My favorite class this semester is definitely Music as Communication. We go through all genres of music and learn about how they communicate to different groups of people. Exploring the meaning behind this wide range of styles is interesting, showing me a side of music I haven’t really thought about before.

Managing my narcolepsy through college life is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, but having routines and people I can talk to is how I stay focused on my goals. So far, I am doing well in my classes and having a blast with new friends.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship helped me feel supported through the start of my college experience and relieved the stress of buying textbooks. Knowing I have support systems through my university, my family, and organizations like Project Sleep allows me to perform at my full potential.”

— Soleil, studying Environmental Science at University of North Texas

“Seen and validated”

“My favorite class is Interpersonal Communication. I enjoy learning about other cultures and their dynamics and how to communicate with respect for different cultural norms.

It has been difficult to adjust to college life with narcolepsy, but I’m having an amazing experience with my professors, who are accommodating and compassionate. I have found a lot of support in the community at George Fox.

Being awarded the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship made me feel seen and validated, as living with an invisible illness is isolating and emotionally difficult.”

— Staci, studying Communication at George Fox University
Scholarship recipient Staci, dressed in sweatpants from George Fox University and holding a university-branded, blue and yellow pennant, standing behind a lawn sign with a Bruin; the university’s mascot.

Your Impact

Supporting the dreams of these scholars is only possible because of YOU. The generosity of supporters, families, other non-profits, and corporations is what has allowed Project Sleep to award 228 scholarships totaling $228,000 in eleven years.

We are proud partners of the Hypersomnia Foundation, who helped award scholarships to this year’s five recipients with idiopathic hypersomnia. We also thank Jazz Pharmaceuticals and Harmony Biosciences, LLC for generously supporting this year’s narcolepsy scholarship.

Support Big Dreams

The 2025 Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship application will be released early in January of 2025.

With a year-end tax-deductible gift to Project Sleep, you can help build a brighter future for the young scholars of America. Please consider making a donation or hosting a Facebook Fundraiser in honor of #GivingTuesday, Dec. 3, 2024, which will go a long way in supporting BIG DREAMS. Thank you!

Resources for Students and Supporters

Project Sleep’s Navigating School with Narcolepsy materials provide information and resources for:

  • Understanding students’ rights
  • Advocating for your needs
  • Gaining accommodations
  • Finding support and community at school

Wake Up Narcolepsy offers free, online support groups for people with narcolepsy and IH navigating college and careers.

Please share with friends, families, and educators!

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