Announcing Special Guest Dr. Todd Swick to Join Project Sleep for Sleep Walk Dallas/Forth Worth

Project Sleep is thrilled to announce that Todd J. Swick, M.D., a renowned sleep specialist from Houston, will be traveling to Dallas Fort Worth to join the 3rd annual Sleep Walk Dallas/Fort Worth on June 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Swick will share special guest remarks for attendees following the scenic walk in River Legacy Park in Arlington, TX. In addition, Project Sleep’s founder, Julie Flygare, will be visiting from Los Angeles, CA. Themed as a “Pajama Party”, this family-friendly event also features face-painting, prizes and a bounce house.
Special thanks to Dr. Swick for volunteering his time and efforts to be with us for this great event. Project Sleep is passionate about bringing together sleep health and sleep disorder advocates with sleep doctors and health professionals to amplify our message. Sleep matters – hear us roar!
Todd J. Swick, M.D. is board certified in neurology and sleep medicine (American Board of Sleep Medicine and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with a subspecialty in Sleep Medicine). He is Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology at The University of Texas School of Medicine-Houston and is Medical Director of Neurology and Sleep Medical Consultants of Houston as well as Medical Director of The North Cypress Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center and Apnix Sleep Diagnostic Centers in Houston, Texas. He has been practicing in Houston, Texas for the past 34 years and has spent the last fifteen years doing sleep medicine on an exclusive basis. He has close to 4000 patients in his practice and one of the largest Narcolepsy practices in Texas. We offer the only Narcolepsy Support Group for patients and their families in Texas.
He has been involved in numerous pharmaceutical sponsored clinical trials and has published numerous papers involving neurologic sleep physiology, narcolepsy, chronobiology, sleep and wake disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease and the interaction between pain and sleep in chronic pain syndromes.
Dr. Swick has been involved in over 90 FDA approved Clinical Research trials, most recently for, Narcolepsy, Non 24 Hour Sleep Disorder in totally blind individuals, Insomnia, Parkinson’s disease, Fibromyalgia, Epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease.
In October 2014, The National Narcolepsy Network, in Denver, CO, was awarded the 2014 Robert Clark, MD, Clinician of The Year Award, to Dr. Swick. He also serves as a national speaker on Sleep Medicine & Neurology and was one of the featured speakers at the upcoming annual Sleep Medicine Consortium in March 2015 at UT Houston.