
Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood!

TV and film characters seem to get narcolepsy at an alarming rate. Is all awareness good awareness? We had an amazing time speaking to Al Jean about featuring narcolepsy during “Every Man’s Dream,” Episode 1 of Season 27 of The Simpsons in 2015, and Anna Marr, an actor and writer living with narcolepsy, about developing a dark comedy series, “Walking through Peanut Butter,” based on her experiences navigating New York’s comedy scene with narcolepsy, in our Narcolepsy Nerd Alert broadcast, “Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood” on May 26th, 2021.

Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood Podcast

Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood Toolkit

Narcolepsy Nerd Alert toolkits accompany each broadcast. The toolkits are designed for people living with narcolepsy and their loved ones to offer new tools, tips, and perspectives on navigating narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood Video Part I

Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood Video Part II

Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood Video Part III

The Narcolepsy Nerd Alert series invites fellow #NarcolepsyNerds to explore aspects of the narcolepsy experience, contemplate bold questions, and learn from each other. Hosted by Julie Flygare (an award-winning geek!), the live broadcasts will take place on the last Wednesday of every month at 1pm ET via Project Sleep’s Facebook page.

This broadcast originally aired on Wednesday, May 26, 2021.

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