
Share Your Journey with Congress Today

Sleep disorders impact millions of Americans (including veterans), and it is essential that Congress continue to support vital funding for sleep research. Right now, Congress is deciding on federal funding for various programs and activities in FY2018, including programs that distribute funding to talented researchers at leading academic medical centers.

However, it is up to us to educate our legislators on how sleep disorders impact our lives.

Project Sleep’s president & founder, Julie Flygare, J.D., will be on Capitol Hill in November with other sleep community leaders and she will help to hand deliver letters from YOU to your Members of Congress at their DC Offices!

Submit Your Letter:

1. DOWNLOAD THIS LETTER & add your name, address and story.
2. Save it to your computer with a title like “Jane Doe Letter”.
3. Email your completed letter to us at [email protected].

(Please do not send your letter directly to your Members of Congress, e-mail is often routed away from key staff and mailed letters go through extensive security screening for over a month.)

4. Act now! Deadline is Friday, Oct. 27th.

Why Take Action?

  • There is a real chance Congress will be unable to reach agreement on FY18 spending bills by the end of the year.
  • Your outreach will be timely and effective in telling your legislators to finish the process and provide meaningful increases to research funding.
  • You should expect that your legislators will respond to your requests.

Please submit your letter today, because the Oct. 27th deadline is quickly approaching. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank you for your support as we make sleep a national priority! 

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