
Sleep Apnea Squad: Making CPAP Comfortable

A drawn image of a woman wearing a CPAP device, with the text "Making CPAP comfortable."

Are you wrestling with CPAP therapy to treat your sleep apnea? Or maybe your CPAP has turned into a dust collector on your nightstand? You’re not alone, and we’re here to help!

On February 11th, 2025, we hosted a live broadcast all about making CPAP therapy work for YOU! We discussed CPAP comfort products and cognitive behavior therapy options for successfully adapting to this treatment option.

Our host, Emma Cooksey, was joined by Kath Hope, who shared her struggles adapting to CPAP therapy and how she began the UK charity “Hope2Sleep” to help others get the comfort products and support they need to be successful with CPAP. Dr. Sarah Silverman shared the cognitive behavior therapy approach she uses to help her patients adapt to their sleep apnea therapy and overcome challenges.

Don’t let discomfort hold you back from restful nights. Watch our replay to see us answer audience questions about adjusting to CPAP.

Watch Now:

Making CPAP Comfortable Guests:

Kath Hope is the Founder & CEO of the Hope2Sleep Charity and a patient with severe OSA and nocturnal ‘non-obesity’ hypoventilation. Kath was diagnosed with severe OSA around 18 years ago and, like many, struggled at the beginning of her CPAP therapy with comfort issues. She went from dreading bedtime to now never considering sleeping without her machine for a full night’s sleep every night! Her passion was to help her fellow patients, which resulted in the formation of a charity that currently supports around 25k patients in the UK and even worldwide.

Dr. Sarah Silverman is a Stanford-trained sleep psychologist and behavioral sleep medicine specialist who’s passionate about helping others improve their sleep through science-backed and non-medication treatment approaches. Dr. Silverman is an expert in Cognitive Behavior Therapy for insomnia (CBTi), the first-line, drug-free treatment approach for adults with chronic insomnia. CBTi is an effective way to improve sleep naturally and overcome chronic insomnia without medication. Dr. Silverman is also an expert in CBT for positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy, which is an effective way to help with any difficulty related to using CPAP and provide drug-free assistance with PAP therapy adjustment. Connect with Dr. Sarah @drsarahsleep on Instagram and other socials.

Project Sleep’s live broadcast series Sleep Apnea Squad takes a deeper dive into specific topics related to sleep apnea. Hosted by Emma Cooksey, each live event invites fellow members of the #SleepApneaSquad to explore various aspects of living with sleep apnea.

Tune in to Sleep Apnea Squad live events on Project Sleep’s YouTube channel. See the schedule of upcoming topics on our Sleep Apnea Squad page.

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