
Sleep Disorders Featured on NPR

"In Good Health: Living with sleep disorders" segment by NPR show featuring Julie Flygare and Kali Cyrus.

NPR Show 1A Highlights Sleep Disorders: Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea

1A, a program produced by WAMU and distributed by NPR, recently aired a segment titled “In Good Health: Living with Sleep Disorders.” Project Sleep’s President & CEO Julie Flygare and Project Sleep Expert Advisory Board member Dr. Kali Cyrus joined host Jenn White to share their experiences living with narcolepsy. Dr. Justin Fiala, an assistant professor of pulmonary care and sleep medicine at Northwestern University, also joined the segment to share his expertise on sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment options.

Julie Flygare, JD, serves as President & CEO of Project Sleep. Flygare is an internationally recognized patient-perspective leader, an accomplished advocate, and the award-winning author of Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy. On March 22, 2022, she delivered the TEDx Talk, “What Can You Learn from a Professional Dreamer?

Dr. Kali Cyrus, MD, MPH is a practicing psychiatrist and offers freelance consultations. She offers consultation for individuals and political and advocacy organizations around issues of race, identity, medical practice, public health, and conflict stemming from differences. She currently serves on Project Sleep’s Expert Advisory Board, and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

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