
Thank You From College! Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship Recipients 2016

You made a difference in 2016. You gave students with narcolepsy something intangible: motivation, empowerment, recognition, and a sense of community.

screen-shot-2016-12-22-at-12-28-16-pmYour generosity supported a record fourteen Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarships in 2016. This holiday season, our recipients say thanks to YOU — in their own words from college!

Please consider giving the gift of hope and pride in 2017. Make a tax-deductible donation today.

“Amazing to be recognized…”

In my first semester at the University of Florida, I’ve loved every second of my Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology class.

College has been a big change, but I am easing my way in and the Disability Resource Center has been incredibly accommodating.

Receiving this scholarship meant the world to me. It was so amazing to be recognized as successful – not just from my family, friends and doctors, but by Project Sleep and the narcolepsy community. Thank you!!

-Daly, University of Florida, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Helping live out this dream…”

I am enjoying my English and Management classes and am working to start a book club on campus focused on works by minority authors.

Managing my narcolepsy has been a bit difficult but I try to schedule naps because I know they keep me at my sharpest.

I owe such a load of gratitude to the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship for helping live out this dream. Without this scholarship, I would not be finishing my first semester as a North Carolina A&T Aggie.

Donovan, North Carolina A&T University, JJNS Recipient 2016

People who believe in my success…”

At Belmont University, I absolutely love my sociology class. It has taught me a completely new way of looking at the world.

Going into college with narcolepsy was extremely intimidating. I wondered how I would cope with an increased course load while living in a totally new state without family nearby. However, receiving this scholarship helped me realize that there are people who are understanding of my narcolepsyand who will support me and believe in my success.

Therefore, this scholarship has motivated me to do well academically and to remain active in social, educational, and work programs.

– Abby, Belmont University, JJNS Recipient 2016

“The opportunity to share my story…”

Playing soccer as a college athlete has been a unique adventure that I am extremely proud to take on. To manage my narcolepsy, taking charge of my schedule has been critical — I set up my class times to allow for ample down time and afternoon naps.

Receiving the Jack and Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship has gifted me with the opportunity to share my story. It may seem like having narcolepsy is a major roadblock to achieving your goal, but with the backing of the narcolepsy community and a dream… You can achieve it.

-Alex, Gannon University, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Reminded me I’m not alone…”

I’m loving college life at Huntington University. My two favorite events so far have been mud volleyball and the all-campus Olympics. In both occasions my team won and it was a great way to meet new people!

I was afraid I would struggle with managing my narcolepsy in college, but over the course of the semester, I’ve found my rhythm. I still set a few alarms in the morning, but I always have time for a nap. Some days are harder than others, but I’ve gotten into the swing of things.

It meant a lot to me to win the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, because I always felt alone with my disorder.  The support I received from this scholarship has encouraged me and reminded me that I’m not alone.

– Delaney, Huntington University, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Beyond grateful for the opportunity…”

taylor-fergusonIt didn’t take me long to fall in love with Morningside College. I have enjoyed playing volleyball and going to the football and soccer games to cheer on my fellow Mustangs!

I have been the most successful at managing my narcolepsy by having a daily routine. With such a chaotic schedule filled with studying, classes, and volleyball practice; I always try to find some time to take a short nap.

I am beyond grateful for the opportunity that the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship has given me to be able to continue my education at Morningside College.

– Taylor, Morningside College, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Motivation that I could succeed…”

Sitting in the student section at the Carolina football games has been a great highlight.

Learning how to live with narcolepsy in college has not been easy. However, with time management skills and scheduled naps, it can be done. Also, the Accessibility Resource Department has been very helpful for testing and other academic accommodations.

Not only did this scholarship lower my financial burden, it is a great way to see that other students with narcolepsy are pursuing their dreams and higher education. Reading about the past recipients gave me motivation that I could succeed in college.

– Katleen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, JJNS Recipient 2016

“I realized I have a support base…”

Despite the vigor of Binghamton University’s Watson School of Engineering, my introduction engineering classes have been my favorite. We are learning about the different kinds of engineering occupations and how to think like engineers.

My college experience has made me realized the importance of good sleep patterns. To avoid inattentiveness in class, I try to get at least seven hours of sleep and squeeze a short nap in my daily schedule.

Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy scholarship was so significant because I realized that I have a support base of people who have successfully worked through the same adversity that I am going through. I am sincerely moved by the examples that have been set for students like me.

– Jalaal, University of Binghamton, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Gave me confidence…”

In my math class, I’ve met a great group of people. We often collaborate and I actually look forward to doing my math homework!

To manage my narcolepsy, I plan my classes and schoolwork around my sleep schedule.  I’ve found the University administration very accommodating and receiving priority registration helped a lot.

The Jack and Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship made me realize there are other people with narcolepsy who have succeeded in college. This simple fact gave me confidence that I can do the same. Thank you for your support!

– Luke, University of Michigan, JJNS Recipient 2016 

“Overcoming new things everyday…”

My first semester at Bowling Green has been a great experience so far! I love the campus, the community, and the friends I’ve made here.

My narcolepsy does get difficult to deal with in college, but I am overcoming new things everyday.

I am very grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship and to know that there are many amazing people out there raising awareness. Thanks to the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, I know that I am not alone.

-Danielle, Bowling Green State University, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Empowered me…”

My favorite class is Introduction to Technical Theater, it is basically the behind the scenes of theater. I’ve met lots of cool people and the professor is awesome.

I have been successfully managing my narcolepsy in college. A little extra planning and going to bed by a certain time has helped me do well so far.

Being awarded the Jack and Julie Narcolepsy scholarship has empowered me, knowing that I am not alone dealing with this challenge. I have grown as a person and appreciate the financial assistance this scholarship has given me.

– Jack, State University of New York at Geneso, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Blessed by the generosity…”

I am loving my first semester at SVU! In my philosophy class, I have encountered so many strange and interesting ideas that make the commonplace seem perplexing and mysterious.

The time management skills I learned from living with narcolepsy have really helped me in college.

I am so grateful to be blessed by the generosity of Project Sleep and their donors! Living with narcolepsy can be difficult, but I believe that struggles of every kind can enhance our appreciation for the seemingly small but significant ways we are blessed in our lives. Whatever our background, it is wonderful to know that we are not alone.

– Sophia, Southern Virginia University, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Amazing donors who care…”

At University of Florida, I’m really enjoying a required freshman class called “What is the Good Life”. The course teaches us how to achieve happiness and success in our everyday lives.

Prior to finding the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, I felt alone in my diagnosis. Receiving this award showed me that there are other students like me working towards their goals of a postsecondary education, as well as amazing donors who care about students diagnosed with narcolepsy. Thank you!

– Kaitlyin, University of Florida, JJNS Recipient 2016

“Gave me hope that I could succeed…”

So far my favorite class is called Sympathy for the Devil, which is an analysis of Stanley Kubrick’s films.

With a steady sleep schedule, I’ve managed to get A’s so far in all of my classes! Receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship gave me hope that I could succeed in college even with narcolepsy.

– Anna, School of the Arts Institute of Chicago, JJNS Recipient 2016

The ripple effect of your generosity is incredible. In just a few days, on January 1, 2017, we will release the new scholarship application to eager students with narcolepsy waiting to apply for this honor.

Will you help us bring this inspiration to more students?

Your end-of-year tax-deductible gift is making success possible. Thank you so much.

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