From Our Community:
“It was humbling to receive the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, which represents all the work Project Sleep has done to create awareness and advocate for people with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. It is inspiring to know I can achieve great things despite the limitations of narcolepsy. This scholarship was an honor to receive and it helps me realize I am not alone!”
“This was a phenomenal experience. So much warmth and connection in the room. Relishing in the togetherness left my heart feeling so full. Also, I’m so grateful that my husband could attend with me. His perspective on what I go through changed dramatically from this experience.”
“I knew I wanted to raise narcolepsy awareness but I was having difficulty narrowing down my story. The Rising Voices program provided exactly the framework I needed; now my audiences are intrigued and fascinated by my speech. Rising Voices also gave me a platform and credibility as a speaker and advocate, which makes it easy to book events.”
“While sleep and circadian scientists are making incredible breakthroughs to better understand sleep’s vital role, it’s critical that we ensure that these findings reach people and improve lives. Partnering with Project Sleep has helped the Sleep Research Society to take our efforts to the next level and fulfill our goal to enhance medical research and public health activities focused on sleep.”
“The Rising Voices program provided foundational storytelling skills, making me a more confident advocate.”
“Seriously one of the coolest, most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Sharing my story was important to me so no one else goes 20 years without a diagnosis. It was an honor to be with other amazing patient advocates and great researchers. I won’t ever forget this day!”
“I valued the space created by this event to have safe conversations with my community. I also enjoyed the storytelling workshop and left feeling inspired! It was literally the first time in eight years that I’ve had an opportunity to be present and get familiar with my own narcolepsy. Thank you for visiting Austin and our Texas community!”
“I feel proud receiving the Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship, and it is comforting to know I am supported by an organization that understands and cares about narcolepsy.”
“I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to advocate for sleep research. Every aspect of my daughter’s life has been affected by narcolepsy, like many people with sleep disorders. Advocating to my Members of Congress is a dream that I wouldn’t have thought to dream. Yet a dream realized none the less.”
“So relieved the Sleep Helpline is available to help those of us who feel stuck and don’t know where to begin. Thank you!”