
Sleep In 2021 Made World Peace with Sleep

Project Sleep’s Sleep In 2021 (#SleepIn2021) brought the sleep community together online to honor our needs for rest and recovery. The seventh annual Sleep In event took place from March 12-14, 2021. Participants were encouraged to prioritize sleep, rest, and self care while fundraising for Project Sleep.

During Sleep In 2021, over 160 participants raised more than $16,000, a new Sleep In record! For the first time ever, participants joined in from every inhabited continent on the planet. WOW! International participants represented Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Eswatini, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Portugal, Thailand, and the United States.

Your Participation Around the World

147 individuals and 21 teams

Over $16,000 raised

13 countries on 6 continents

Over 580 #SleepIn2021 posts

Socially Sleeptastic!

Check out all your #SleepIn2021 Instagram posts here!

Weekend Events

Sleep In 2021 kicked off on Friday with an interview with Dr. Shelby Harris! Dr. Harris is a clinical psychologist, behavioral sleep medicine specialist and the author of The Women’s Guide to Overcoming Insomnia. Project Sleep CEO Julie Flygare talked with Dr. Harris about sleep, education, and the powerful potential of incorporating evidence-based cognitive behavioral approaches into sleep disorders treatment. Watch the video here.  The night concluded with an Insta-Tuck In where participants shared pictures of tucking into bed.

Participants woke up on Saturday morning with light yoga and mindful breathing led by Sara Clem of Salveo Yoga. Later on Saturday afternoon, our “Sleep and Your Space” feature panel took place with special guests, Dr. Dayna Johnson, Dr. Till Roenenberg, and Eilis Finnegan. The panelists shared insights on how our spaces and environments impact sleep. Watch the video here. Later Saturday evening, Julie Flygare and Cienna Ditri talked self-advocacy and gummy candy, and tucked us in with bedtime stories on Instagram Live.

A much anticipated event every Sleep In is Sunday’s Brunch with @CPAPBabes on Instagram Live. This year, Stacy shared practical tips for overcoming barriers and red tape to access optimal care and treatment. We wrapped up the weekend on Sunday evening with a Scavenger Hunt Jamboree/Self-Care Discussion on Zoom. Participants shared their Sleep In 2021 Scavenger Hunt “finds,” leading into a group discussion about self-care. A special Scavenger Hunt shout-out to all the animals (real and stuffed) who make their people feel calm, safe, and joyful!

Watch Video:

Watch Video:

Your Artistic Amazingness

Sleep In 2021 brought out the talent in the sleep community! From crafts, graphic art, and photography, to tap dance and a beautiful cover song with proceeds benefiting Project Sleep, participants went all-out sharing their inspiring expressions. Special thanks to Cienna Ditri and all who submitted their favorite songs for the official Sleep In 2021 Spotify wakeful playlist and peaceful playlist!

Listen to the Wakeful Playlist!

Tune in to the Peaceful Playlist!

Sleep In 2021 Prize Winners

We are grateful for each and every participant’s contributions, fundraising, and social media efforts. Your incredible enthusiasm makes choosing prize pack winners challenging. Please join us in congratulating this year’s awardees!

Top Sleep Spirit Winners

Top Fundraising Winners

Media Guru Winners

Thank You!

SPECIAL THANKS to everyone who made Sleep In 2021 a record-setting success — the participants, donors, fundraisers, live broadcasters, volunteers, and staff. This was a huge DREAM TEAM effort and it’s your enthusiasm and participation that made this so unforgettable!

We can’t wait to see you for Sleep In 2022 (#SleepIn2022) next year!
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