
Special Broadcast: Julie Flygare’s Narcolepsy Story & Book Reading Live

I was starting to lose moments I wanted to be a part of… No more excuses. Something was wrong.”

— Julie Flygare, Project Sleep President & CEO

On Sunday, May 10th, 2020 our Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing live series continued with a rare online event and book reading with Project Sleep’s President & CEO, Julie Flygare!

In this unique broadcast, Julie shared her journey—from wanting to push narcolepsy out of her life to finding self-acceptance, writing Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy, and founding Project Sleep. Julie read a few of her favorite passages from her book, shared what’s helped her to live well with narcolepsy, and offered tips to get started in advocacy and awareness. Afterward, she answered questions from live viewers.

The Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series invites viewers to gather online to watch a Rising Voices of Narcolepsy trained speaker or writer present their story live via Project Sleep’s Facebook page.

Watch Video Now:

About Julie Flygare:

Julie Flygare, J.D. is the president & CEO of Project Sleep and the award-winning author of Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy. After receiving a diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy in 2007, Flygare advanced her leadership in the sleep and healthcare space through speaking engagements, publications, earned media, collaborations, and advocacy and awareness initiatives. In 2013, Flygare founded Project Sleep as a national non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about sleep health and sleep disorders. In her current role, she aims to empower a new generation of speakers, writers, patient advocates and community leaders in the sleep space. She is the co-creator of the first-ever scholarship program for students with narcolepsy, along with the Rising Voices of Narcolepsy℠ leadership training program. Flygare received her B.A. from Brown University and her J.D. from Boston College Law School, focusing on health law and policy. Learn more: julieflygare.com.

What is the Story Sharing Series?

The Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series invites viewers to gather online to watch a Rising Voices of Narcolepsy trained speaker or writer present their story live via Project Sleep’s Facebook page. Project Sleep is proud to offer our monthly series as a weekly event for the next few months in the wake of COVID-19. At a time in which many people need connection more than ever, this will increase opportunities for people around the world to engage with and support one another. Catch up with the full series here!

About Rising Voices of Narcolepsy:

To improve public understanding of narcolepsy, Project Sleep’s Rising Voices of Narcolepsy program trains people with narcolepsy to share their stories through public speaking and writing with local communities, healthcare providers, news outlets, blogs and beyond. Combining the power of real-life stories with expert communication strategies, our Rising Voices of Narcolepsy trained speakers and writers are effectively raising awareness and reducing stigma for all those facing narcolepsy.

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