
World Narcolepsy Day 2022: Get Involved!

Just 2 weeks until the fourth annual World Narcolepsy Day on Sept. 22nd, 2022! This September, let’s raise our awareness to new heights.

7 Easy Ways to Get Involved:

1. Become an Ambassador

Be a leader in raising awareness! Project Sleep’s World Narcolepsy Day Ambassadors participate in activities, raise funds, and spread the word about narcolepsy in their local communities.

World Narcolepsy Day 2022 Gear

2. Wear Your Shirt with Pride

Check out this year’s new RETRO design! Get your soft and stylish shirts for the whole family. We can’t wait to see photos of you in your shirts!

3. Participate in Activities

Project Sleep, along with other organizations around the world, will host a wonderful line-up of online activities leading up to and on World Narcolepsy Day. Check out our events to get involved!

4. Share Your Story

Personal health stories are invaluable public education tools. Contact local media and radio outlets or write about your experience via online publishing platforms like Medium.

Let’s get YOUR story featured on the news to raise critical awareness! Learn how easy it is to pitch your story to local news stations in this World Narcolepsy Day 2021 video with Julie Flygare, Kristyn Beecher, and Kylee Keskerian,

5. Visit the Virtual Photo + Video Booth

Let’s celebrate together virtually via the new World Narcolepsy Day Virtual Photo + Video Booth! The virtual photo + video booth is OPEN NOW, available from Sept 1- 23, 2022. Share your photos on social media using #WorldNarcolepsyDay and tagging @project_sleep.

6. Get Social

Leading up to World Narcolepsy Day, use infographics and fact sheets to raise awareness. Thanks to amazing international volunteers, we now have translations into French, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, and Danish. Post on social media using hashtag #WorldNarcolepsyDay and tagging @project_sleep.

You can also send a colorful e-card to a friend or loved one to let them know about World Narcolepsy Day or to thank them for their support. Or send an e-card to a person living with narcolepsy to let them know you’re thinking of them!

7. Donate

Make a meaningful gift to support Project Sleep’s efforts today. Your generosity helps us further critical awareness and advocacy programming throughout the year.

Thank you for your support!

Check out our World Narcolepsy Day webpage for more ideas and resources! Special thanks to Katie Williamsen, expert web designer, for donating her time and expertise to help create this stunning page.

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