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Where will you NAP today?

These new Brazilian nap booths look so cozy, Project Sleep is tempted to pack our bags for Brazil! Who’s with us? Read: The start-up firm which wants to put Brazil to sleep, by Luana Ferreira, BBC News. Our hats are off to this Brazilian entrepreneur, Marcelo von Ancken, for taking his personal passion for napping and turning it into a business.…

10 Great Resources for Narcolepsy

We’ve assembled a list of our favorite narcolepsy resources–from guidebooks to support groups.                                                                 WEB (1) Understanding, Living With, and Treating Narcolepsy This website is…

Spooky Nighttime Visitors: Paranormal or Parasomnia?

As Halloween approaches, Rebecca Fuoco, visits the haunted history of sleep paralysis and the supernatural. Depiction of a creature from Romanian mythology believed to assault women in their sleep Sleep paralysis is an inability to move or speak for a few seconds up to ten minutes when falling asleep (hypnagogic) or upon awakening (hypnopompic).  It…

Project Sleep’s Founder Nominated for RareVoice Award

On behalf of Project Sleep’s Dream Team, I am proud to announce that Founder and President Julie Flygare has been nominated for a RareVoice Award in recognition of her work founding Project Sleep and the Narcolepsy: Not Alone campaign. Julie successfully led national efforts to secure narcolepsy’s place in FDA’s Patient Focused Drug Development Initiative –…

From the Founder’s Desk: Why Project Sleep?

At age 23, I gave up on myself. It was a Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. As an ambitious first-year law student, I returned to law school to study. No leftover turkey sandwiches. Final exams were approaching. Yet, within a few hours of studying at Boston College’s law library, I peeled my right cheek from my…

Caveman Insomnia – Guest Post by Dr. Jose Colon

Insomnia is common. Sleep health advocates like those who follow Project Sleep and Paradise Sleep know insomnia is seen in people with sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and is flat out high in the general population as well. But why is insomnia so common? The answer can be be found in cave art. Cave art? Yes, insomnia…

Willis-Ekbom disease / Restless Legs Syndrome Awareness Day

Willis-Ekbom disease (WED), also known as restless legs syndrome or RLS, is a common neurologic disorder. Up to 7–10 percent of the U.S. population is living with the disease. WED/RLS results in an irresistible urge to move the legs or other parts of the body, often accompanied by unusual or unpleasant sensations that may be…

What Project Sleep Means To Me – Guest Post by Bridgette Snyder

Prior to October 2012, sleep was just another part of life I struggled to control. As a teenager, I drank coffee to deal with the tiredness that I thought was normal. And when I joined the Navy in 2001, I became part of a military culture and lifestyle that, out of necessity, embraces poor sleep…

Unveiling New “Rise and Shine” Sleep Health Infographic

Project Sleep’s new infographic shines a bright light on sleep health and why catching our zzz’s will make us more attractive and successful! All too often, we skimp on sleep in an attempt to do more and achieve higher in our lives. This infographic highlights how sleep works in our favor during the day. Please enjoy…

First Annual Sleep Walk Tampa Bay Makes a Big Splash

The first annual Sleep Walk Tampa Bay was a hit, bringing out over 70 participants (and the Bay News 9 television crew) to the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort on August 31st.  The Sleep Walkers were people living with sleep disorders, their friends and family, and sleep medicine professionals including physicians, researchers, and technicians.   Participants merrily…
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