

Your experience makes a difference.

Project Sleep is passionate about educating decision-makers and advancing progress through public policy and advocacy efforts. By elevating the voices of individuals facing sleep-related issues and leveraging policy expertise, we are helping to improve outcomes for people across America. 

Important opportunities arise throughout the year, get involved in sleep advocacy by signing up for e-updates.

Guiding Principles

Advancing Sleep Research

Project Sleep advocates for robust federal research funding to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of sleep and to develop novel treatments, early detection tools, and prevention strategies for people living with sleep-related conditions. Likewise, we support federal data collection and survey efforts to better understand population-wide sleep trends.

Accelerating Treatment Options

People with sleep-related conditions need a seat at the table throughout the clinical research process. This is why Project Sleep is passionate about bringing the perspectives and priorities of people living with sleep disorders and their loved ones into clinical research.

Ensuring Access to Healthcare

Access to healthcare providers, services and treatments is essential to improve outcomes for all those living with sleep-related conditions. Project Sleep supports policies that improve access to healthcare resources, including comprehensive, affordable, and non-discriminatory health insurance.

Furthering Education, Awareness and Training

Project Sleep supports policies that increase sleep health and sleep disorders education, awareness and training opportunities.

Addressing Sleep Health Disparities

Project Sleep worked with the sleep health disparities research community to develop specific sleep health disparities policy recommendations.

Raise Your Voice for Sleep Advocacy

The sleep community has made advancements, but we need your help! Your experience plays a powerful role in helping decision-makers understand the real-life ramifications of sleep conditions and sleep loss across America. Sign up for our e-updates to take action. 

Congressional Sleep Letter

Each year, Project Sleep advocates for an official Congressional Sign On Letter that is sent to the Appropriations Committee asking them to prioritize support for sleep and sleep disorders public health, awareness, and research. Through activating our community to ask their U.S. House Representatives to “sign on” to this letter, we effectively communicate the need for this support to Capitol Hill.

This yearly letter creates momentum that is critical to advance sleep health, sleep equity, and sleep disorders at a national level.

Sleep Advocacy Champion Award

Started in 2023, the Sleep Advocacy Champion award annually recognizes an individual who has worked to elevate the voice of sleep through federal and grassroots advocacy and public discourse. Each year, the award recipient is recognized for outstanding and significant contributions advancing the policy goals of Project Sleep and the broader sleep community.

Sleep Advocacy Champions are trailblazers and community leaders who lead by example and embody Project Sleep’s commitment to making progress for sleep health, sleep equity, and sleep disorders.

Sleep Advocacy Champions

Matthew Horsnell, a man with short, light-colored hair and a beard, posing with his plaque of the inaugural Sleep Advocacy Champion Award.
Matt Horsnell
2023 Champion

Project Sleep was thrilled to present the inaugural Sleep Advocacy Champion award to Matthew Horsnell, a Project Sleep Rising Voices speaker, Wake Up Narcolepsy small groups facilitator, and incredibly dedicated sleep advocate. Matt has been very successful and impactful in leading grassroots advocacy efforts and bringing people to our cause. His voice has been powerful in sharing his story everywhere from FDA to Capitol Hill and far beyond DC as well.

Lauren Thomas
2024 Champion

Awarded the second annual Sleep Advocacy Champion Award, Lauren Thomas’s involvement with Project Sleep began in 2020. She has served on the World Narcolepsy Day Committee and been featured in the Narcolepsy Nerd Alert Series and the Sleep Disorders Conversation for Journalists. In addition, Lauren traveled to Washington DC in Fall 2023 to share her story at Project Sleep’s White House Sleep Equity Convening.

Get the Facts

Get the facts on sleep loss, sleep equity, sleep disorders, and sleep and mental health! Medical professionals are, on average, receiving less than two hours of education on sleep health and sleep disorders during their entire medical education.

Help raise awareness and spread the facts about sleep with this free, downloadable flyer!

Project Sleep Advocacy Latest News

Advocacy Webinar: What's Happening in Washington, DC?

Advocacy Webinar: What’s Happening in Washington, DC?

On Thursday, March 6th, Project Sleep hosted a timely advocacy webinar on what’s happening in Washington, DC recently and how we can effectively advocate for sleep research, awareness, and patient care in a dynamic political landscape. Watch Now: Presenters: Julie Flygare, JDPresident & CEO, Project SleepJulie Flygare, JD, serves as President & CEO of Project…
2024 Hill Day sleep advocacy group poses on Capitol steps.

Advocacy in Action: Elevating Sleep Awareness on Capitol Hill

On Tuesday, October 29th, 2024, Project Sleep and other leading sleep organizations visited Capitol Hill to meet with important policymakers in Congress. The 2024 Hill Day activities included 42 patient advocacy organization and professional society representatives divided into seven teams. These teams represented 20 states and conducted over 50 Congressional Office visits! Sleep Community Rallies…

2024 Sleep Advocacy Forum Focuses on Sleep and Public Health

On Monday, October 28, 2024, Project Sleep facilitated the fifth annual Sleep Advocacy Forum in Washington, DC. This in-person event brought together a diverse group of policy makers and sleep community leaders to share updates and discuss areas of common interest. This year’s forum was centered around sleep and public health. This year’s forum featured…
Lindsay Scola, Dr. Kali Cyrus, Dr. Michael Grander, and Julie Flygare stand together in front of a podium at Project Sleep's Congressional Briefing.

Sleep Awareness Win on Capitol Hill: Huge Turnout for Project Sleep’s Congressional Briefing

On Tuesday, July 16th, 2024, Project Sleep proudly hosted “Awakening America: A Congressional Briefing on Sleep and Public Health” followed by a first-ever Sleep Screening event on Capitol Hill. Over 100 people attended Project Sleep’s events, with great interest from Hill staffers looking to learn more about their sleep and Project Sleep’s activities, including Project…