
35 Members of Congress Sign Letter for Sleep Research and Awareness

On May 1, 2024, a group of 35 U.S. Representatives co-signed a Congressional letter in support of prioritizing sleep medical research and public awareness at a national level. This letter notes the troubling lack of coordinated sleep activities in public health and urges the CDC to modernize sleep public health.

Starting on Thursday, April 11, sleep advocates took action across the country.  Over 170 powerful advocates reached over 130 Congressional Offices on Capitol Hill, resulting in 35 co-signers. This is very impressive by Congressional appropriations letter standards. In prior years, we’ve gotten 31 co-signers in 2019, 41 co-signers in 2020, 54 co-signers in 2021, 36 co-signers in 2022, and 33 co-signers in 2023. This continued momentum is critical to advance sleep health, sleep equity, and sleep disorders at a national level.

Meet the 35 Co-Signers of the 2024 Congressional Sleep Letter

Please join us in thanking the 35 Representatives who joined the letter, including:

  • Congressman Adam B. Schiff of CA-30
  • Congressman Jake Auchincloss of MA-4
  • Congressman Jamaal Bowman of NY-16
  • Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick of FL-20
  • Congressman Gerald E. Connolly of VA-11
  • Congresswoman Angie Craig of MN-2
  • Congressman Danny Davis of IL-7
  • Congresswoman Madeleine Dean of PA-4
  • Congressman Donald Davis of NC-1
  • Congresswoman Diana DeGette of CO-1
  • Congressman Lloyd Doggett of TX-37
  • Congressman Bill Foster of IL-11
  • Congressman Jared Golden of ME-2
  • Congressman Daniel Goldman of NY-10
  • Congressman Josh Gottheimer of NJ-5
  • Congressmanwoman Jahana Hayes of CT-5
  • Congressman James Himes of CT-4
  • Congresswoman Summer Lee of PA-12
  • Congressman Stephen Lynch of MA-8
  • Congressman Seth Magaziner of RI-2
  • Congressman Jim McGovern of MA-2
  • Congressman Kevin Mullin of CA-15
  • Congressman Richard Neal of MA-1
  • Congressman Chris Pappas of NH-1
  • Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen of CO-7
  • Congresswoman Chellie Pingree of ME-1
  • Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley of MA-7
  • Congressman Jamie Raskin of MD-8
  • Congressman Patrick Ryan of NY-18
  • Congresswoman Janice Schakowsky of IL-9
  • Congresswoman Terri Sewell of AL-7
  • Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin of MI-7
  • Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger of VA-07
  • Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland of WA-10
  • Congresswoman Lori Trahan of MA-3

What If Your Representative Didn’t Sign On?

If your Representative did not sign on, it does NOT mean they didn’t support your request. Some may have put in the requests using a confidential process. Plus, many of your Representatives serve on the subcommittee that the letter is addressed to, so they prefer not to be both a sender and receiver. Securing 35 co-signers is a huge win that took everyone’s efforts!

Thank You!

Special thanks to Congressman Adam Schiff and his office for championing this letter, especially Kaitlyn who organized all the co-signers. Thanks to all the Congressional Offices who responded to their constituents’ requests and signed on.

Thank you for making your voice heard on Capitol Hill! We hope you take great pride in what we accomplished together by reading and sharing this year’s final official letter.

We will keep you updated on the letter’s impact and share additional advocacy opportunities. To hear about future action alerts, sign up for e-updates.

Thank you for your support!

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