
Recent News

Huge Advocacy Win! Congress Establishes New CDC Chronic Disease Awareness Program

At the beginning of 2020, we asked you to reach out to your members of Congress about a sign-on letter supporting sleep community priorities, including the establishment of a new Chronic Disease Education and Awareness Program at the CDC. Thanks to your advocacy, 41 U.S. Representatives signed onto the letter, putting into motion our community’s…

Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series: Meet Kim

Before diagnosis, I was just surviving. And that took everything.” — Kim Leatherman, RVN Speaker Our Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing live series continued on Sunday, December 20, 2020 with storyteller Kim Leatherman! Kim shared her inspiring narcolepsy journey, a testament to the critical need for increased awareness and the power of a family’s love.…

NFL’s Josh Andrews Raises Awareness with My Cause My Cleats

We are so honored that Josh Andrews, offensive guard for the NFL’s New York Jets, is supporting Project Sleep via My Cause My Cleats. Through this program, NFL players have the opportunity to pick a cause that is important to them and represent their chosen organization on custom designed cleats. On December 1, 2020, Andrews…

Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series: Meet Katie

You need to advocate for yourself.” — Katie Williamsen, RVN Speaker Our Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing live series continued on Sunday, December 6, 2020 with storyteller Katie Williamsen! Katie shared her passion for raising awareness, insights into adjusting to life with narcolepsy, and the importance of self-advocacy. The Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series invites…
Giving Tuesday graphic

Good News Goes TWICE As Far in 2020! #GivingTuesday $15,000 Match Funds

Exciting News! During an unprecedented year, good news goes so far. That’s why we are thrilled to share that a generous Project Sleep board member just pledged an incredible $15,000 in matching gift funds to support our #GivingTuesday2020 efforts. Starting now through #GivingTuesday, December 1, 2020, all donations to Project Sleep will be MATCHED, dollar…

Sleep Advocacy Forum Rallies Leaders & Community

This fall, Project Sleep was honored to facilitate the inaugural Sleep Advocacy Forum virtually on Oct 5-6, 2020. This new event brought together a powerful group of key leaders and sleep advocates to learn from each other and to maximize our collective impact in the policy space. On Monday, Oct. 5, the Sleep Advocacy Forum‘s…

Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series: Meet Kristyn

I know that I have secretly been a warrior for years.”  — Kristyn Beecher, RVN Speaker Our Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing live series continued on Sunday, November 22, 2020 with a new storyteller: Kristyn Beecher! Kristyn shared open and courageous insights into life with narcolepsy, finding community, and the power of stories. The Rising…

Thank You from College! 2020 Scholarship Recipient Updates

This year, generous donors joined with Project Sleep to award a record 27 Jack & Julie Narcolepsy Scholarships to college-bound students exemplifying courage and resilience while living with narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia. We caught up with the awardees to hear how college is going and what this scholarship meant to them. “I feel valued and…

Narcolepsy in 2020: World Narcolepsy Day Expert Panel

In Project Sleep’s feature event for World Narcolepsy Day 2020, a panel of leading narcolepsy clinicians and researchers spoke to our President & CEO, Julie Flygare about  narcolepsy research progress and novel drug development underway. The panel, which represented five continents around the world, also addressed the challenges and barriers in providing care to people with…

Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series: Meet Victoria

We all need acceptance and understanding of who we are.” — Victoria, RVN Speaker Our Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing live series continued on Sunday, October 25, 2020 with a new storyteller: Victoria! Victoria shared honest reflections about family life, social support, and equine love. The Rising Voices of Narcolepsy Story Sharing Series invites viewers to…
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