
Join us for a new series diving deeper into specific topics relevant to narcolepsy.

The Narcolepsy Nerd Alert educational series covers a wide variety of topics to help people living with narcolepsy and their loved ones navigate both the medical journey and the social experience. Each topic of the Narcolepsy Nerd Alert series will be addressed first in a live broadcast, followed by a PDF toolkit, podcast, and social media shareables in order to accommodate the various learning styles of our diverse community. Sign up to receive Narcolepsy Nerd Alert e-updates!

Narcolepsy Nerd Alert Topics

Narcolepsy Roadmap

Navigating narcolepsy doesn’t come with a roadmap, but it should. What do you wish you’d known at diagnosis?

Becoming a Narcolepsy Advocate

Raising your voice is empowering, but how do you get started? And does advocacy make a real difference?

Narcolepsy + Brain Fog

Having issues with concentration and memory? You’re not alone. Let’s explore brain fog, automatic behavior, and micro-sleeps.

Friends + Family

Supporters mean everything! How can people with narcolepsy and their loved ones foster open communication and mutual support?

Narcolepsy Goes to Hollywood

TV and film characters seem to get narcolepsy at an alarming rate. Is all awareness good awareness?

Napping + Narcolepsy

Is napping an unwelcome symptom or a helpful treatment? Got “nap shame?” Let’s discuss.

Navigating School

Equitable education is a right, not a privilege. How can schools and families work together to ensure opportunities for students’ success?

Science of Narcolepsy

Science nerds, this one’s for you! Let’s dive into the neurobiology of narcolepsy and type 1 v. type 2 v. idiopathic hypersomnia.

Narcolepsy Around the World

How do geography and culture impact life with narcolepsy? Explore global perspectives on awareness, advocacy, and support.

New + Upcoming Treatments

Medical management is continuously evolving. Let’s discuss new options and exciting possibilities on the horizon.

pregnancy and narcolepsy graphic

Pregnancy + Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy symptoms and treatment interact with conception, pregnancy, and breastfeeding in complex ways. How do you decide what’s right for your family?

Health Insurance 101

Ever feel like navigating health insurance is a full-time job? You’re not alone. Tune in for healthcare coverage information, insights, and resources.

Narrating Narcolepsy

How do we capture the experience of living with narcolepsy in words? Authors share their perspectives on writing about narcolepsy.

Types of Narcolepsy

What distinguishes narcolepsy type 1, type 2, and idiopathic hypersomnia? Can your diagnosis change? Hear the latest research and perspectives.

Narcolepsy at Work

Navigating the workplace with narcolepsy? Let’s discuss accommodations and practical tips for success.

Sleep Paralysis + Hallucinations

Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations and sleep paralysis can be confusing and scary. Let’s talk about why these happen and how to manage them.

Narcolepsy + Art

What’s your creative outlet? Artists discuss the relationship between their creative expression and their narcolepsy journey.

Could I Have Narcolepsy?

Wondering if you or a loved one could have narcolepsy? Join us to learn about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this often misunderstood neurological condition.

Coping with Cataplexy

Cataplexy is a unique form of muscle weakness experienced by some people with narcolepsy, but how can you recognize this symptom? What are the emotional triggers? And how do you cope with cataplexy?

Narcolepsy + Relationships

A special Valentine’s Day Narcolepsy Nerd Alert! Join us to discuss relationships with narcolepsy, from dating and early stages to long-term partnerships and marriage.

Talking to Your Doctor About Sleep Issues

Wondering how to talk about sleep issues with your primary care provider? Hear clinical and patient perspectives on discussing sleep issues and daytime sleepiness with general practitioners, and how to get referred to a sleep specialist.

Sign Up for Narcolepsy Nerd Alerts!

Whether you geek out about science, art, advocacy, or pop-culture—this community is for you! Sign up for e-updates about:

– Live Broadcasts
– Podcasts
– Video Recordings
– Printable Toolkits

Past Broadcasts

Watch video recordings of past Narcolepsy Nerd Alert broadcasts and download the corresponding toolkits.

About Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological condition that impairs the brain’s ability to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. It affects 1 in 2,000 people—200,000 Americans and 3 million people worldwide. Because of low awareness and misperceptions, there is an average of 8 to 15 years between narcolepsy symptom onset and diagnosis. Narcolepsy Nerd Alert aims to educate and empower the narcolepsy community.

About Julie: Julie Flygare, JD, serves as President & CEO of Project Sleep. In 2007, Julie was diagnosed with type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy while in law school. Her experience inspired her to become an accomplished advocate, community leader, and the author of Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir of Narcolepsy. And yes, Julie is actually an award-winning geek, receiving WEGO Health’s “Geek Health Activist” award in 2014.